Hello readers. how are you today ? im fine. ;p
So well. im bored. so i decided to blog here. ;D
Wonder why i begitu free ? coz ima free birdy now. ;p im done with sem2. ;)
but then left 2 more exams to go which i dont really mind d result. lol.
Hmm. sem2 is really very tough. we cant ask our lecturer that if we can postpone the dead line or not like we used to do in semester 1.
This sem is really tiring.. due to ima last minute person, i like to do things in last min which idk why also. :(
And sometimes i even slept for 2 hours and get my lazy ass out of bed and go to college again. or sometimes i even stay back at college to do group work until 7 or 8pm.
But fortunately, i love design. so yea.. i THINK i wont give up that easily. atleast for now im still enjoying what im doing right now.
Regarding to our Ms sooyee's latest post. IMA NOT AGREE WITH HER ! LOL.
Some people might think that high school is more fun than college due to their stress.
What i think is college life are much more happyhappy.
Mayb coz i get more freedom in college life ? coz is like when everytime when we having break for 2 or 3 hours, we'll go ac or pyramid to have lunch or take a break and back to class. or even if we're tired, we even skip class to chill.
High school cant do this at all. LOL. once you step out of school, GG laaa. our Ms TanSeeMiin (my high school principal) will look for you even call your parents blablabla so childish stuff to find you or whatsoever. LOL.
So thats high school life, what to do. hahaha.
mayb for now you dont know wth im talking right now, you'll get what i mean very soon if youre still a high school student. lol.
ANYWAY, thats my personal thinking la okay. altho sometimes i will be so dam stress due to tons of assign that havent done. LOL. but atleast now i got almost 4WEEKS to rest. ;p
So about my little chios.
our Ms sooyee's college life is so happening. Lots of bees are flying around her. HAHA.
but unfortunately, jealousy made her life more complicated, and ima always be her first listener. :)
and our little yingki, she always just stick with her boyfie 24/7. altho sometimes i saw her super stress face in college. especially exams week. she'll be studying in starbucks with her bunch of friends. THAT PRECIOUS MOMENT I EVER SEEN FROM HER. haha.
and about my college babes.
im happy that i have two awesome girlfriends. we gossip everyday !!
our 'SAM XI' LOL. you'll never know what we always gossip about. ;p
okiedokie. ima stop here.
going out to tapao some food for my brunch. :(
ciao people. take care. xxx. :)
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